The Major Issue in Christ’s
is “What Lies Ahead” (the
Introduction to the book),
Chapter One:
book is for all those of us who
love the Lord Jesus: because this whole topic is an issue that
deeply concerns
every one of us, and it really matters. Is
there indeed a sin we
treat as a virtue? Could this possibly be true of us, of me?
Could there really
be something that the Bible identifies as sin which,
unrecognized, I am not
only allowing a place in my life but which I have come to
regard as something
inevitable—or worse, as something right, as
something good
? If there is something basic in biblical teaching about the
way I live that is
somehow slipping past me, then I will indeed want to find out
about it. I will
want to do something about it. I will be eager
to learn what it
is, so that I can bring my life into line with the will and
plan of God, by the
enabling power of the Holy Spirit: because of my love for the
Lord Jesus - the
One who said to his disciples, “If you love me, you will do
what I command you”
(John 14:15).
is, this book is about a biblical
teaching that affects every Christian, every single one of us
who claims the
name of Christ, who comes humbly to Christ as Lord and
Saviour. He says
straightly to those who claim to be his disciples, “How can
you call me ‘Lord,
Lord,’ and not do the things that I tell you?” (Luke 6:17,
book is for Christians who want to
learn the nature of the danger which Jesus talked about more
than any other,
and which he warned against in the strongest possible terms:
“Beware! Take
care! Watch out!” This is the sin which, as the Gospels show,
is keeping many
people out of the Kingdom and eternal life;[1]
it is the sin which is insidiously at work in the church and
which is seriously
affecting its work and witness in the world.
than that: this book is also about
the very opposite kind of attitude which the people of God should
the principles which Scripture teaches that Christians are
called upon to adopt
in their lives, and how we are to put them into practice.
this book is for non-Christians
also, in order that they may know what being a Christian
involves. This is for
the not-yet-Christian, the almost-Christian, for the
one-on-their-way-to-becoming-a-Christian, the one near the
Kingdom but not
quite in it (Mark 12:34). For, time and time again Jesus
plainly said to
would-be followers, to potential disciples, “Count the cost.
Understand exactly
what it means to follow me.[2]
There is a wide entrance and a broad road that leads to
destruction, and many
are the ones travelling down that path. But narrow is the gate
and hard the
road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”[3]
fact that Jesus spoke so often and
so strongly about this whole issue indicates to us how serious
it is. And today
the danger confronts us as seriously as it ever has before.
Indeed, this sin
has been turned into a virtue by the world at large, and many
Christians are,
in practice, treating it in the same way.
us look at the warnings which our
Lord gives us, so that we can take them to heart; let us give
our attention to
the very different kind of spirit which we are called upon to
have instead.
book is written for all those who
care what our Lord Jesus Christ says, and what the Scripture
teaches—and especially
for pastors and teachers, and all who as leaders in the church
are responsible
for giving a Christian example and setting standards for
Christian living, and
preaching and teaching the message of the Bible.
examines the nature of the problem,
the answer to the problem in the Old Testament and then in the
New Testament,
and how that problem impacts upon the church and upon us
personally in today’s
world. And it discusses the biblical answer: the path that
Scripture sets out
for us to follow, and what this will mean for us in the
practical realities of
considers that these things
should we.
sin we treat as a virtue is also the
sin (and its remedy) which was the major issue in Christ’s
teaching, the one he
warned against in the strongest and most severe terms. It
is the sin that Paul
called idolatry, and that he said he personally found to be
the trickiest of
them all. It is probably the most common sin we commit.
Certainly it is the
most comfortable of our sins, and the one we are least
likely to recognize in
our lives—even while it is doing the greatest damage to us.
then is this sin that we treat as a
virtue? In a word: greed. Or, as it is sometimes rendered in
translations of the Bible: avarice, or covetousness. The Tenth
is directed very explicitly against this sin, in its various
forms. Jesus said
to beware of it at all costs (Luke 12:15)—it keeps people out
of the Kingdom.
Paul says that he found this sin very insidious, and he needed
the clear word
of Scripture to straighten him out about it.[5]
describes the devastatingly deadly damage it does to our lives
(1 Timothy
6:9-10). Its consequences are immense, and both Jesus and Paul
give a lot of
attention to what we must do about it. By far the most
dangerous thing we can
do is to fail to take these warnings to heart.
Halverson tells us truly,
Christ said more about money than
any other single thing. [6]
Brott amplifies this:
the Four Gospels, Jesus talks about
money issues more than salvation issues. Doesn’t this tell you
that He knows
how greedy and selfish we can be? Surely He knew that we hold
on to that which
we cannot ultimately keep. Greed comes from selfishness.[7]
question of greed—and of
materialism, money and wealth—is indeed the major issue in
Christ’s teaching.
It featured more often and more prominently in his ministry
than any other
issue. It arose in incident after incident—the rich man
seeking eternal life,
the tax collector up a tree, the brother asking Jesus to judge
a financial
dispute, the widow’s mite, the payment of the temple tax or
the tax to Caesar.
It was the focus of two-thirds of his parables.[8]
was constantly raised in all his major teaching addresses
recorded in the
Gospels, and is the crux of many of his short sayings, and the
point of his
sharpest warnings. These will all be discussed in the course
of this book.
demands our attention. It is a
devastating danger to be avoided. It is the place where
Christ’s teaching is
most diametrically in opposition to the thinking of the
people of his day—and
the people of our day.
we ourselves have not realized all
this, we urgently need to do a complete rethink. Truly, if we
do not recognize
that this is the issue to which Jesus directed our attention
more than any
other during his earthly life and ministry, then our concerns
are not in tune
with the mind of Christ.
For this is the
major issue in Christ’s teaching, and he said that getting
this right is
central to how we live our lives. He said that this matter really
live in an age which is making a
virtue out of greed. Our economy is being tied more and more
tightly, not to
supplying the needs of mankind, but to increases in
productivity, and therefore,
to sales (there is no point producing more goods if you can’t
sell them). This
in its turn requires increasing success in the art of
persuading more and more
people to purchase things they do not need, using (in the case
of many of them)
money they do not have. This is always referred to as
“improving our standard of
living”. What in fact it is doing is brainwashing us into
believing that our
standard of living is entirely a matter of the things we
possess. Contrast this
with the teaching of One who said, “Watch out! Be on your
guard against all
kinds of greed: a man’s life does not consist
in the abundance of
his possessions.” (Luke 12:15.)
problem has many facets. One facet
of it is the way greed so comes to control a man that he is
totally obsessed
with acquiring things. Think of some of the
rich men you have
seen on TV or read about during the past year: those who have
countless squillions, and who own and control vast media
empires or resource
companies or huge enterprises of every kind: what do you read
about them? That
they are satisfied with what they have? No, rather, you read
how they are mindlessly
squandering their money with wild abandon and, more often,
how they are still
driven by their “need” for more, so that they are taking over
yet another
multinational company. But it is not only the people who make
the headlines who
can be possessed by this obsession. Often we are able to
recognize its
insidious power at work much closer to home, if we are
discerning enough.
aspect of greed is the way in
which it distorts our perspective on everything about us. For
we almost never
see greed in ourselves. We are pretty confident that we
content with the bare necessities of life, more or less,
though perhaps we may
allow ourselves the occasional restrained indulgence or
luxury. But how is our
standard of living viewed by the three-quarters of the world’s
population who
have somewhat less than a tenth of what we own?
the most damaging, and most damning,
effect of greed is the way in which it prevents us from paying
full attention
to what our Lord and his apostles are saying to us in
Scripture concerning the
concept of wise and helpful use of our resources—that is to
say, “stewardship”.
This is frequently an aspect of the teaching of Scripture to
which we pay
rather little heed: indeed, it is one which probably we do not
hear very much
about at all.
by God’s grace the biblical teaching
about stewardship—and the actual practice of biblical
stewardship in our
lives—will set us free from the deadly grasp of covetousness
and greed. What John
Wesley said in a broader context is very specifically true
concerning the Bible
and greed: “This Book will keep you from sin. Or, sin will
keep you from this
we will notice what the Bible says,
it is clear from the teaching of Scripture that we are under
obligation to use
our resources not just to benefit ourselves but also for the
benefit of others.
In particular we are to help those who are in need, and
support those who are
engaged in Christian ministry (both ministry to ourselves, and
also ministry on
our behalf to others).
from our reading of the New
Testament we will know, moreover, that our contributions to
others are to be
generous. But what more is to be said than this? What guidance
does God give us
as to what this means we should do in practice?
Christians consider that it is all
up to us: a matter of our own personal choice. We are to be as
generous as we
can, and we are left (they contend) to decide for ourselves
how much that will
mean we should give to God’s work. Other Christians believe
that there are
principles and guidelines in Scripture concerning our use of
our resources,
just as there are principles and guidelines concerning other
aspects of living
the Christian life. Has God indeed said anything about the
fact of the matter is, there is a
considerable amount of specific teaching in the Bible
concerning how we are to
handle our resources. There are four basic principles for us
to note.
Firstly, we are to
recognize that everything we have has come to us from the hand
of God. This
should lead us to have a thankful heart for the Lord’s
gracious generosity to
Secondly, what we have
received is not given to us for our own exclusive use and
enjoyment. On the
contrary, we are trustees and stewards of what we have
received. We are to use
these resources in accordance with the will and purposes of
God the giver, to
whom we must give account.
Thirdly, we find in
Scripture that there are indeed specific guidelines given to
us concerning how
we are to use our income and possessions: God has a number of
requirements in
this regard for his people.
Fourthly, we are taught
in Scripture that we should work to earn an income not solely
to provide for
ourselves, but in order to be able to contribute towards the
help and support
of others.
principles shall all be discussed
in this book, in the light of the teaching of Scripture.
these comments which you have just
read may well have been greeted with horror by some readers,
who will be almost
inclined to put the book down at this point. Isn’t this all
pure legalism (they
protest), which has been abolished by the gospel of Christ?
Shouldn’t our
giving be spontaneous and from the heart, not the outcome of
observing written
will greet what I have been
saying with horror for a different reason: isn’t our Christian
giving (they
say) a private and personal matter, just a question of what we
individually decide to do about it?
those who are open to being
instructed by the teaching of the Bible, I say: read on, and
see what the
Scripture says about these matters. The fact is, the Bible
(especially the New
Testament) has quite a bit to say about all these issues, and
it is part of
Christian discipleship and Christian behaviour for us to learn
what this
teaching is, and to work through the question of how it
affects us in our lives
today. A Christian has been called from a life of selfishness,
and rebellion against the Lord to learn the path of obedience
to the Lord’s
will. There most certainly are requirements which we receive
as part of the
gospel of God’s grace, and which we are to obey.
describes these requirements as
the “royal law found in Scripture” (James 2:8) and “the
perfect law, the law of
liberty” (James 1:25; 2:12, NRSV), by which we are to be
Jesus says, in his final
instructions to his disciples (Matthew 28:19-20), “Therefore
go and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey
everything I have
commanded you.” This Commission is about as plain
as language can get.
Those who receive and respond to the message of the gospel of
Christ are
disciples: they are to be baptized, and they are to be taught
to obey the word
of Christ which he has given to us through his apostles.
book examines the teaching of
Christ and his apostles, as recorded in the New Testament,
concerning the
insidious danger of greed and the Christian’s attitude to
money, possessions,
and income. All these Scriptures impact us personally. This is
not a question
of correctly understanding some doctrine—it is a question of
how we live our
whole life on earth. And, Jesus says, of eternity. If we
belong to Christ, then
we need to know what he has said about these
matters, and what
his apostles have said, so that we can be sure that we are
doing what he
requires of us.
is no small matter.
us note the word of James: he
instructs us (James 1:22), “Do not merely listen to the word,
and so deceive
yourselves. Do what it says.”
[1]. Matthew
19:16-30//Mark 10:17-31//Luke 18:18-30; this is discussed in
[2]. Matthew
8:19-22//Luke 9:57-62; Matthew 10:37-38//Luke 14:25-33
[3]. Matthew
[4]. Exodus
20:17; Deuteronomy 5:21-22.
[5]. Romans
7:7 (ESV, NRSV): “I
would not have known
what it is to covet if the law had not said, ‘You shall not
[6]. Richard
Halverson Perspective, 59.
[7]. Richard
Brott Tithing and Giving 41.
[8]. “The
attraction of materialism is so great that Christ devoted
two-thirds of His
parables to warning His disciples about it.” Larry Burkett,
Giving, 13.